How Much Bank Balance Is Required For US Tourist Visa?

Finance plays a significant role when planning a tour, especially for the US.  At that time, you want to know: “How much bank balance is required for US tourist visa?”

Honestly, any specific amount isn’t required to get your US visa because there’s no one-size-fits-all. And the US visa officers won’t care about it. They just want to ensure you have enough financial backing to return to your country after completing the tour. That’s all. 

So, where $6000 is okay for someone, $10000 may not be for others. It actually depends on so many factors. Such as 

  • How many of you apply for the visa? 
  • How many days will you stay there?
  • What’s the purpose of your visit?
  • How many spots do you visit? 
  • What hotels do you choose for accommodation? 
  • What types of meals do you want to take? Etc. Etc. Etc.

However, this post is all about US B1 B2 visa requirements. Stay with us, and get updated information. 

The Basics of US Tourist Visa 

Before applying for a US tourist visa or planning the budget, you should have a clear understanding of the basics of it. Isn’t it? 

Basics of US Tourist Visa

Let’s briefly talk about it. According to Travel.State.Gov, any foreign citizen should obtain a US visa to enter the country. In this regard, the US immigration authority issues different types of visas for different purposes, and the tourist/visitor visa is one of them. 

What’s a Visitor Visa?

A visitor visa is like permission for a temporary stay in the US. If it’s for business purposes, you’ll need a B-1 visa. And if you want to come for a vacation or to meet family, you’ll need a B-2 visa.

On the other hand, if it’s mixing business with some leisure, you’ll need the combo, the B-1/B-2 visa.

Eligibility To Get A Us Visitor Visa?

Is everybody eligible for a Us Tourist Visa? Absolutely, not. There are some US visa requirements that make a person eligible to get that visa. Let’s see what these requirements are that you must fulfill based on US immigration authority 

  • A valid passport with 6 months duration
  • DS-160 Form
  • Application fee payment receipt
  • Attached Photo with the DS-160 Form
  • Let them know purpose of your trip
  • Your have the intention to depart the US after your trip
  • Your ability to pay all costs of the trip. 

So, what can you do with a visitor visa?

That’s the next thing we’ll cover here. With a B-1 (Business) Visa, you can:

  • Have meetings with your business pals.
  • Attend that must-go scientific or business conference.
  • Settle an estate or negotiate a big contract.

With a B-2 (Tourism) Visa, it’s all about fun and personal matters:

  • Explore the US as a tourist.
  • Enjoy a holiday or visit your dear ones.
  • Get medical treatment.
  • Attend social events by your favorite clubs or organizations.
  • Join amateur musical or sports events (just no paychecks, okay?).
  • You can attend a fancy, quick, fun course like cooking as long as it’s not for college credit.

But, Hold On! Some activities are off-limits with the b1 and B2 visas. With a visitor visa, you can’t:

  • Enroll in full-time study.
  • Take on a job.
  • Perform professionally in front of a paying crowd.
  • Hop in as a crew member on a plane or ship.
  • Work in foreign media – like radio or print journalism.
  • Plan to live permanently in the US.
  • And coming to the US just to give birth for citizenship reasons.

Why Is Financial Evidence an Important Component of The US Tourist Visa?

Earlier, we talked about the basics of the visitor visa. Also we let you know two crucial criteria about the visa; the ability to pay all costs of the trip and some activities that are prohibited with this visa. 


The center of immigration studies reported that 3.64 percent of people overstayed in 2022, visiting different countries with visitor visas. And it’s true for the US. So, the immigration authority of the US wants to check your bank details due to some reasons when you apply for B1 and B2 visas. Such as 

Proof of Affordability

The US wants to ensure that you are able to support yourself during your stay financially. You won’t become a burden on the state or resort to unauthorized employment.

Intention to Return

A stable financial situation in your home country can indicate a stronger likelihood with your country. If you have substantial savings, assets, or a steady job, you’ll return after your visit.

Legitimate Purpose of Visit

Your financial statements can help validate the purpose of your visit. For instance, if you’re applying for a B1 visa for a business conference, your finances might be expected to reflect the expenses related to the conference. It could be registration fees or related purchases.

Reduces Risk of Overstay

Visitors with sound financial health are considered less likely to overstay their visas. The rationale is that they have more to lose if they jeopardize their visa status.

Medical Emergencies

The US wants to ensure that if a tourist faces a medical emergency, they have the means to cover their medical expenses. It helps them to avoid depending on state facilities or incurring unpaid bills.

Consistency with Stated Travel Plans

Your financial health should align with your stated travel plans. For example, if you’re planning a three-month stay in the US, your finances should reasonably reflect that you can afford accommodation, food, transportation, and other expenses for that duration.

How Much Bank Balance Do You REALLY Require?

The crucial question is how much bank balance is required for a tourist visa. We inform you that the US immigration authority doesn’t think you need a specific amount in your bank account to get the visa. Yet, they prefer you have enough to support yourself during the tour. 

However, we still know you are eager to get an idea. So, let’s help you in this regard. We’ll talk about it from 4 angles. Such as

  • First, we debunk myths and misconceptions. 
  • Then we let you know why there isn’t a ‘one-size-fits-all’ amount.
  • Next, we list 7 factors that influence the “Ideal” bank balance for a US tourist visa
  • Finally, we give you a minimum and maximum estimated cost for a US B1 and b2 visa. (Of course it’s a rough idea, not actual costs)

Debunking Myths and Misconceptions

There are some myths and misconceptions about the bank balance for getting a US tourist visa. Let’s debunk them to clarify these are wrong. 

  • Magic Numbers: Some believe there’s a specific “safe” amount. But the truth is no magical figure guarantees a visa.
  • Recent Deposits: Some people think loading the bank account right before applying helps get the visa. That’s risky with no assurance. Instead, consistent transactions in your bank account are key.
  • Minimum Balance: There is another myth that maintaining a particular minimum is helpful for the US tourist visa. No, it’s not. Rather than a minimum balance that reflects your overall financial health is essential. 

Why There Isn’t a ‘One-Size-Fits-All’ Number

You may wonder why there is no fixed figure for getting a US tourist visa. Of course, there are some reasons. We’ll just mention three. 

  • Purpose of your Trip: Your trip’s nature dictates your budget. When business trips involve conference fees, vacations mean more leisure expenses. 
  • Individual Preferences:  Your spending habits matter. While some might splurge on gourmet meals, others might love street food. 
  • Genuine Transactions: Authenticity is greater than anything. It’s less about the fixed balance and more about the genuine consistent transactions.

Considering those important issues, the US authority keeps the door open for all without mentioning a fixed amount. 

Factors That Influence the “Ideal” Bank Balance for a US Visa

Many factors directly and indirectly influence your US B1 and B2 visa finances. When one factor is crucial for one, it’s just normal for another. However, let’s see some of the factors that you can keep in mind 

  1. Number of Visa Applicants: Are you flying solo, or is it a family affair? The more people applying, the heftier the bank balance needs to be. Because each individual’s expenses, from travel to accommodation, will add up.
  2. Duration of Stay: A weekend getaway versus a two-month exploration will have vastly different financial requirements. Longer stays naturally demand a more robust bank balance to cover daily expenses.
  3. Number of Destinations: Are you planning to hop from New York to LA to Miami? More spots generally mean more expenses. Traveling between cities, entrance fees, and local transportation costs will all add to your expenses. 
  4. Choice of Accommodation: A luxury suite in Manhattan is worlds apart from a budget motel in a smaller town. Your choice of hotel or accommodation directly impacts how much you should ideally have in your bank.
  5. Dining Preferences: Fine dining every night will quickly inflate your budget compared to more modest meal choices. So, it varies from person to person. 
  6. Activities and Entertainment: If you plan to watch Broadway shows or partake in adventure sports. Such activities can influence your required bank balance. Entrance fees to attractions, guided tours, or shopping plans should be considered.
  7. Emergency Funds: It’s always wise to have a buffer because unexpected expenses can pop up anytime. Medical emergencies, last-minute travel changes, or lost belongings can incur costs.

A Budget Plan For US B1 and B2 Visa

“Ok, I understand everything. But can you help me with a budget estimation that I may need for the tour? Or what are the sectors of my expenses?” – We are hearing what your inner voice says. 

Of course. Below we include two tables about a detailed budget plan for a US B1 and B2 visa. You can look according to your visa type. 

Note: Keep it mind, these tables offer a broad overview, and the actual costs can differ based on specific plans, preferences, locations within the US, and other factors. Always ensure to check current prices and adjust the budget to suit your individual needs. 

Detailed Budget Plan for US B1 Visa (Business Visit)

Expense Category  Expenses Types Minimum Estimated Cost Maximum Estimated Cost 
Pre-Application Expenses Visa Application Fee $185 $185
Passport $0 (If you have one) $225 (If you need a new adult passport)
Photos $20 $70
Travel to Consulate/Embassy $100 $300
Flight Ticket Round Trip Ticket $1,200 $1,600
Travel Insurance $100 $300
Accommodation (7 nights) Hotel (Business areas tend to be pricier) $2,100 ($300/night) $2,800 ($400/night)
Daily Expenses Food & Drinks $700 ($100/day) $1050 ($150/day)
Local Transportations  $280 ($40/day) $490 ($70/day)
Mobile/Internet $70 $150
Business Activities Conference/Trade Show Fees $500 $800
Business Meals/Entertaining $500 $800
Shopping & Souvenirs Gifts & Personal Shopping $500 $800
Miscellaneous Emergencies $300 $500
Tips $140 ($20/day) $350 ($50/day)
Post-Trip Expenses Transport Home from Airport $50 $150
Total $6,745 $10,570

Detailed Budget Plan for US B2 Visa (Tourism Visit)

Expense Category  Expenses Types Minimum Estimated Cost Maximum Estimated Cost 
Pre-Application Expenses Visa Application Fee $185 $185
Passport $0 (If you have one) $225 (If you need a new adult passport)
Photos $20 $70
Travel to Consulate/Embassy $100 $300
Flight Ticket Round Trip Ticket $1,200 $1,600
Travel Insurance $100 $300
Accommodation (7 nights) Hotel $2,100 ($300/night) $2,800 ($400/night)
Daily Expenses Food & Drinks $700 ($100/day) $1050 ($150/day)
Local Transportations  $280 ($40/day) $490 ($70/day)
Mobile/Internet $70 $150
Sightseeing & Activities Entrance Fees & Tours $500 $800
Events & Shows $500 $800
Shopping & Souvenirs Gifts & Personal Shopping $500 $800
Miscellaneous Emergencies $300 $500
Tips $140 ($20/day) $350 ($50/day)
Post-Trip Expenses Transport Home from Airport $50 $150
Total $6,745 $10,570

What Are The Financial Documents You Should Consider  for the US Tourist Visa

Documents talk louder than words, because they prove not only authenticity but also financial stability for your trip. Even, they boost your visa application’s chances of approval. Let’s dive into the essential financial documents according to the US Government that you should consider.


IRS Tax Transcript

This document provides a detailed record of your tax returns. It’s an official statement from the Internal Revenue Service, showcasing your financial credibility. If you’ve been prompt and consistent with your taxes, this transcript can be a strong asset.

Evidence of Income

How do you sustain yourself? Whether it’s a salary, rental income, or any other regular earnings, showing consistent income can be pivotal. Monthly pay stubs, a letter from your employer, or rental agreements can serve this purpose. They indicate your ability to fund your US trip and return.

Social Security Administration (SSA) Earnings Statement

This document provides a summary of your annual earnings. It’s a testament to your financial stability over the years. By showcasing your consistent earnings and contributions to the SSA, you further solidify your financial standing.

Proof of Assets

Beyond regular income, assets can play a significant role. 

  • Do you own property? 
  • Have investments? 
  • Maybe a healthy savings account? 

These assets can be a backup, showing you have more than just your monthly earnings. Property deeds, bank statements, or investment summaries can be handy here. These are some of the documents you have to submit to get the visa. But, after reaching the US, again the U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) will verify your financial documents to ensure you are set for your trip.  It’s not just about having funds in your bank, it’s more about proving it. Here are the fundamental financial documents you should consider:

Credit Card

It is a globally recognized and widely accepted card in the US. A credit card shows you have a bank’s trust and a credit line. However, you should ensure your card is valid internationally and inform your bank about your travel dates.


While digital payments are popular, cash is still king everywhere. It’s immediate proof of funds. You must carry as much cash as needed to support your immediate needs.

Travelers’ Checks

The traveler’s checks are safer than cash. Because these are pre-printed, fixed-amount checks, they show you’ve set money aside specifically for travel.

Money Order

It’s a prepaid payment order, indicating you have sufficient funds. It’s more secure than sending cash. When having a money order, you should ensure it’s made in a widely accepted or easily exchangeable currency in the US.

Tips to Prepare Your Bank Account for a Smooth US Tourist Visa Process

You are dreaming of exploring the US, right? Your bank account can be a vital player in making that dream come true. While you don’t need to have any fixed amount, a well-maintained account can strengthen your visa application. Here are some tips to ensure your bank account stands out well.


  • Steady Deposits: You should have regular deposits, even if they’re small, which showcases financial consistency. It’s not about massive sums but showing a steady income or savings habit.
  • Avoid Sudden Large Deposits: Surprisingly, large, unexplained deposits can raise red flags. It might seem like you’re trying to inflate your balance just before the visa process. 
  • Maintain a Healthy Minimum Balance: While fluctuations are normal, consistently maintaining a decent minimum balance over months can be beneficial. It indicates your financial stability.
  • Clear Debt or Loan Statements: Showing a clear repayment pattern can be a positive sign if you’ve taken loans or have credit card debts. Regular, on-time payments represent your financial responsibility.
  • Highlight Your Savings: If you’ve been saving for your US trip, make it evident. Creating a dedicated savings account for your travel can showcase your planning and dedication.
  • Avoid Frequent Overdrafts: Repeatedly dipping into overdrafts might indicate poor financial management. If possible, try to keep such instances minimal.
  • Keep Account Statements Handy: When it’s time for your US visa interview, taking with you your last six months to a year of bank statements can be beneficial. It provides a tangible record of your financial behavior.


Do US visa officers verify bank statements?

Absolutely! The US visa officers verify your bank statements before approving your visa. Yet, verifying your financial documents is one of the significant parts of the visa approval process. Because it reflects your document’s transparency, your intention to visit the country and return to your home. 

What is proof of sufficient funds for travel to the USA?

Though no fixed funds are required for travel to the USA. But you must submit and carry some financial documents to prove your financial stability, such as presenting an IRS Tax Transcript, income evidence, asset evidence, and Social Security Administration (SSA) Earnings Statement. Also, you need to carry a credit card, cash, money order, and traveler’s checks. 

Is a bank statement required for a US tourist visa?

Yes, bank statements are required for both B1 and B2 US tourist visas when you apply to the US embassy. The authority will ask for your bank statements to ensure your financial capacity to cover all the tour’s expenses. 

How much bank balance is required for US b2 visa?

No magic figure or fixed amount is included in b2 visa requirements. It can be a minimum of $6,000 to a maximum of $10,000, even more for multiple applicants. 


You may need to know “how much bank balance is required for US tourist visa?” before proceeding for the visa. For your kind consideration, the US embassy didn’t fix an amount to get the visa. You can easily get the visa if you have around $6000-$10000 in your bank and submit proper documents against the amount. Because they’ll just verify your financial evidence as a testimony to your intentions, capabilities, and commitments in the US and back home. So, get ready your financial evidence with a good amount to showcase while applying for the US tourist visa. With you, safe travels!

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